HDR stands for high dynamic range — as opposed to short dynamic range. An HDR preset allows you to capture more of the details visible to the human eye. Your camera will take at least three photos at different exposures. Then, you use photo editing software to merge the exposures. Next, with a customizable HDR preset you can bring out the colors and deepen the shadows to your specifications.
When you think of vintage or retro photography, you may think of an old 35mm SLR (single-lens reflex camera) or an antique camera from the 19th century. These cameras and their accessories are no longer readily available. Digital editing enables you to achieve a throwback feel without sacrificing the convenience and versatility of a modern camera.
Black-and-white photography is a timeless art form and so is the process of deciding which of your photos will look better in black and white.You could shoot with black-and-white film, but it will limit your range during a photo session. What if some of your images belong in the full-spectrum world of color and others don't? A black-and-white filter or preset gives you the best of both, letting you transform images that benefit from grayscale and leave others that come most alive in color. Selecting a black-and-white preset is only the first step, however. Next comes altering the color values of an image, creating striking contrasts in grayscale.
New Line Editors (NLEs) are computer programmes designed specifically for this type of video editing (short for Non-Linear Editor). Non-linear editing (NLE) is an editing process that enables the editor to make changes to a video or audio project without regard to the linear timeline. In other words, you can work on whichever clip you want in any order.
Film editing is the art and craft of cutting and assembling finished film. This work is done by a film editor who helps complete the director's vision of the movie. The creative choices of an editor are usually a combination of what they think is best for the film and what the director (and producers) want for the finished project.
Without getting too technical, artistic editing can be distinguished as a distinct subset of editing; it has a distinct goal, is likely scripted and prepared in advance, and seeks to film footage on purpose as part of a production.
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